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Equine-assisted therapy horses, Kadar and Petra, at Taking Chances Counseling.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy?


The use of horses as partners in the counseling process. 

Why work with horses instead of talking in an office? 


Horses are very perceptive of people's feelings and will respond to what you are feeling rather than what you are saying. This can give you and the therapist valuable information. 

Horses are nonjudgmental giving you a safe space to try new ways of relating.

What can I expect in a session? 


Sessions can occur in one of several places - in a covered arena, the pasture, sta or the barn.

You should wear casual attire and closed-toe shoes.  We are working outside with animals, so wear something you can throw in the wash.

Little to no riding is involved in the sessions.   While we do occasionally ride, most sessions are done on the ground. Different activities allow clients to practice coping skills and problem solving in a safe environment. Horses react to our emotions instead of words allowing for accurate feedback.

How do I know I/my child will be safe?


Your safety is our priority. 


Each session is facilitated by a mental health counselor and and an equine professional.  The role of the equine professional is to ensure the safety of the client and the horse during the session. 


Horses have been specially selected for the work that they are doing based on an equine professional's evaluation of the horse's personality and behavior.  Horses and activities are then matched to the individual client's needs and abilities.


What if it's raining/snowing or really cold?

Heaters inside the barn, stalls that block wind or have fans, and an indoor covered arena allow us to provide services in most weather.  If weather conditions are not safe, a member of the treatment team will contact you.

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