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Our Equine Partners



Hi, I’m Popcorn. I am an older, more distinguished gentleman. I am 32 years old, and I am an Appaloosa. It is not unusual for you to see me being silly with my paddock mates, but my favorite thing is being brushed in my stall. I prefer teenagers, especially helping them discover themselves. 


Owner: Maggie Chambers



Hi, I’m Rebel. I am a 19-year-old Belgian x Thoroughbred. In my previous life, my mom and I fox-hunted in Danville, Virginia.  Now I enjoy a much slower life of protecting little kids from all the things that might be scary for them. It’s not an easy life, but someone has to do it. ;) I am a good candidate for painting and whatever shenanigans little people want to get into. In my spare time, there's a 13-year-old girl who has my heart.


P.S. You need to know my best friend is Stride, we’re more like brothers than friends.


Owner: Wiseman Farms



Hi, I’m Stride. I'm a 21-year-old Tennessee Walking Horse.  You may hear the ladies ‘round here call me Strider. I walk a little slower these days, but when I was young you might have found me "hittin' a lick" around the showgrounds. Now I’m more like Eeyore, and I just enjoy being with my buddy Rebel and hangin' with my momma. I tend to be a good match for all clients, because I’m consistent and trustworthy. Low and slow is my motto.


Owner: Sheli Chambers / Michelle Jester



Hi I’m Tango. I am an 8-year-old Paso Fino who hasn’t had the easiest life. My background is rough, but my heart is soft. I really enjoy the therapy life and helping people of all ages. However, I tend to gravitate toward those who have a past similar to mine. I’m kind of a loner and do well by myself, but I can also fit in a crowd. My best kept secret is that when I’m out in the herd, I tend to be the boss man.

Owner: Michelle Jester



Hi, I’m Munchkin. I am a 16-year-old pony cross. I might look small, but my personality is huge. My friends require that you speak to me in your best baby voice, because that’s what I am, the baby. If you really wanna know the way to my heart, sneak me some snackies (but shhhhh don’t tell mom). I enjoy working with little people because they’re more my size.

Owner: Michelle Jester



Hi, I’m Trixie. I am a 12–13-year-old Tennessee Walking Horse. I am a big gal with a steady personality. I’m like the mom of the herd. I care for those around me and will take care of you with everything I have. I’m definitely the reliable caretaker of the group. I enjoy working with people in general and not much scares or phases me. This makes me the perfect candidate for new clients.

Owner: Michelle Jester



Hi, I’m Petra. I am a 23-year-old Thoroughbred Warmblood Cross. I may be older in years but I don’t know it. My mother often refers to me as “The Queen”. My specialty is groups as I don’t care about lots of people around. I am very intuitive and sensitive to whatever you are feeling inside (if you want to know how true this is, just ask my mom). I live at the Maryville College Farm with my good friend Darius.

Owner: Stephanie Wasserman


Last week we made the difficult decision to say a final goodbye to this sweet and sassy girl. At 30 plus years of age, she was in constant pain and had some health issues that could not be resolved. The namesake of our business, she will be remembered always and missed dearly. She served us and our clients well. Good job friend and thank you!

Hi, I’m Chance. I am a 30(ish)-year-old Arabian mare. I am super attached to my buddy Petra and if I can’t see her, I become a little Hulk-like (but my people prefer when I stay in Bruce Banner). I really enjoy spending time with clients in my stall, especially when they pet me and tell me I’m pretty. The only requirements are that you stay true to yourself and don’t let Petra out of my sight. Side note - Petra now resides at the Maryville College Farm where she can help out with groups.


Owner: Sara Roth 


It is with a sad heart that we had to say goodbye to one of our most trusted partners. She had been fighting a long battle with Cushings and Founder so out of fairness to her and her service we decided to say goodbye. She spent her most important years walking with trauma survivors as they worked to unpack and heal, so Sheli found it fitting to donate her remains to the University of Tennessee Veterinary Teaching Hospital so she can continue her legacy even after death.

Thank you Kandi for your service to us and our clients! You will be missed! 

Hi, I’m Kandi. I am around 15ish years old and I am a Standardbred Cross (maybe) who has lived with my current mom since 2020 (I’m her pandemic baby). Like all of my herd mates, I prefer for clients to be their authentic selves no matter what that looks like. I enjoy being with my mom and helping her do her job. I am best friends with Munchkin (he lives beside me), and I enjoy meeting new clients (& sometimes horsey friends).


Owner: Sheli Chambers

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